About UCICKI Remix


“UCICKI Remix” is a game collection inspired by the show “Genius Junior” and the related video game “WarioWare”. Towards the end of my time with Circle K at UC Irvine, I was compelled to celebrate the success of interactive features on the club website by creating a game that encompasses all games currently featured on it. Personally, I also thought it would also be a great coding challenge to adapt existing games into a mini-game format.

What it does

UCICKI Remix is the ultimate game collection combining every game from the UCI Circle K website into one game. Players play from a selection of 18 minigames in rapid-fire succession for the highest score to be the ultimate UCICKI gaming champion.

Players set the length of the session and the minigames they want to play, and then they play through the minigames at random. Each game has a win condition that rewards points the faster they are completed. It is currently the most recent game posted on the Circle K at UCI website.

Development Process

This is still a work in progress! Check back soon!


This game takes inspiration from Genius Junior and WarioWare. It was decided that the game would adapt Genius Junior’s rapid-fire questions and time mechanic in the Cortex while introducting mini-games as the puzzles the player would solve.

In total, there were 8 games on the UCICKI website that needed to be ported to this game using the GameMaker: Studio engine. The reason why this engine was used is because most of the games to be ported were made in GM:S and it also allows for touch-screen interactions for mobile devices. The game would then be playable on any device that supports a web browser.

The remaining 10 games are original games, some inspired from the Cortex and some inspired by other aspects related to the Circle K at UCI activities.

Porting The Games to the GM:S Engine

8 games needed to be ported. Some were easy to port (since they used the same game engine), while others had to be reconstructed from scratch or forked from other open-source projects.

Original Games

In addition to the 8 ported games, 10 additional games were created, some original and some based on other games.


I think the biggest accomplishment of this project was that I was able to combine so many games into one package. It really brought closure to all the projects I made for this organization, and it was also a pivotable point for me as the game engine I was using became obsolete during development. It started my transition to Unity soon after.

What’s next

“UCICKI Remix” was the swan song for me creating games for the Circle K at UCI organization. It remains to be seen if I will make another game for them, but this was a great way to go out with a bang: a combination of all the games on the website, most which I had worked on in some capacity.

Some Additional Information

Devpost Description

Games (c) 2014-19 Circle K International at UC Irvine, (c) 2015-16 Just the TIP, (c) 2016-17 TIP Donuts, (c) 2017-18 RamenTIP.

More in “About” page in-game.

Games Spotlight